Prince en el Werchter Boutique (Bélgica), 10/07/2010

Iniciado por Shockadelica, 22 Abril 2010, 14:30:50

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REGALO mis 2 entradas para Portugal si alguien puede recogerlas en Salamanca...
I just wanna fearlessly bathe in the Purple Rain


Cita de: DMSR en 16 Julio 2010, 22:19:25
Cita de: goldie en 14 Julio 2010, 23:21:31
Nadie ha escuchado todavía la MARAVILLOSA versión de "Cream" que hizo en el Viage de Bruselas?  ::) Tengo entendido que anda por ahí...  :smash:

!!!!!MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!!!!   Que recuerdos.... Madre mía, estuvo genial.

Gentileza del foro francés.


Gracias por los vídeos, Ibiza, qué maravilla de calidad, parece que estamos otra vez allí! :smash:

Gracias por Cream y las fotos, DMSR, qué recuerdos! :smitten:

Hace una semana estábamos allí! Qué pena, penita, pena!  :'(

Para no morir de la depresión me voy al Lovebox Festival a ver a Roxy Music (con cámara de vídeo)!  :smash:
Oh baby, I really like your look
When U lay your eyes on me, U know I'm hooked
I'm waiting 2 feel your touch
Your body, your mind, and soul...
Is that 2 much?


Cita de: Shockadelica en 17 Julio 2010, 13:51:28
Para no morir de la depresión me voy al Lovebox Festival a ver a Roxy Music (con cámara de vídeo)!  :smash:
Y porque son el segundo grupo que más te gusta, irías verlos con o sin depresión  :laugh4:


Aquí  se puede escuchar el All the critics loves U in Brussels  :earmuffs: del after...

... incluido el momento en el que Shelby nos echa del escenario...  :-\


Uh! Uh! uh! uhuh!... U SAID! ...Any dogs in the house?... I know U're nasty... SAID!!!


aysss,y yo no puedo ir a lisboa.Creo que voy a salir a emborracharme de la depresión.Nadie tiene un avión privado?'


Me gusta esta crónica del after por littlesis en moquake,

I arrived at Viage Club around 4 pm. I'm still psyched because of an amazing experience earlier that evening, but inside I see people waiting in front of an escalator and their irritated expression doesn't promise much good.

I see Jerome (admin of Moquake) standing in line and he explains me that there have been some altrications with the security and someone broke a glass panel in the escalator. It had to be shut down after only half of the people waiting had been able to enter the venue. The other half was still waiting and getting pretty anxious.

After a while we were allowed to climb the blocked escalator and we were asked to pay 80 euro for entrance.

When I entered the small club, I could hear Larry Graham and GCS playing The Jam. The center and right side of the stage were already pretty occupied so I went to see the left side and found a neat spot just in front of the stairs to the stage.

I was pretty thirsty but I decided not to leave my place to get some drinks, because more people choose the left side of the stage after me. Besides, after 25 years of seeing Prince live I already have firsthand experience with deprivation, be it sleep, food or drink.

When I look around me I see a whole bunch of familiar faces from the Dutch forum Itaintover, it keeps me busy for a while just waving and gesturing.

When I finally begin to examine the stage, I see a strange figure standing with his back to the audience. In a purple outfit with an rust colored hood. He's playing a bit of guitar and suddenly I realise : it's Prince !

My already high level of adrenaline peeks a notch higher.
He's not really participating in the GCS performance, it looks more like a warming up. Gradually he becomes more and more involved and when Morris Hayes changes places at the keyboard, he starts to exchange some lines with him. I get a pretty good look of him, he seems very relaxed and even a bit giddy. He smiles and grins several times.

When the other band members enter the stage, Shelby, Liv and Elisa first stand at the left side in front of me. Cassandra takes the keyboard on the right side. Josh Dunham takes his usual spot in the back next to the drums. The only one who's missing is Cora. Because Prince & the NPG are trying to fade I Want To Take You Higher into When Will We Be Paid, Prince takes place behind the drums and starts to play a basic rhythm. The audience gets excited at the prospect of seeing Prince play the drums.

When Cora finally comes on stage, she tries to take Prince's place while he's still playing.She almost climbs on this lap. They end up playing the drums together with Prince playing the floor tom and the ride cymbal and Cora playing the rest. Prince is enjoying it so much that he doesn't want to stop. It was an amazing sight !

When the ladies are getting to the chorus of When Will We Be Paid, Prince gets from behind the drums, takes his guitar and points them to the center of the stage. He lingers around on the left side and finally takes up the mic on the left, almost exactly in front of me.
At first, he doesn't want to sing, he keeps shoving it aside but later he starts to sing along some lines.

For some reason,he wants Cora to do a drum solo at the end of the song, and she happily obliges.
Then they sing a bit of Be Happy. When the audience recognizes the intro of Cream, the party shifts in a higher gear.

A fine version, still a bit naughty with Prince singing "get on top" and then he starts directing the band like a regular maestro. What follows is a hilarious intermezzo when Prince indicates with gestures how long the word "Cream" must be sung. When he spreads his arms wide, they must sing it 4 measures long. When he holds up his hand with thumb and index finger, they should sing it short. Then he starts pestering them with making the distance between thumb and index finger shorter and shorter, so they sing "Cream" shorter and shorter until it's about a nanosecond long, but they manage it anyway. Kudos !

What follows is a very intense and emotional moment, at least for me but I was under the impression that the audience was equally flabbergasted.

The first song from 20Ten we get to hear in a live version : it's Future Soul Song. The harmonies of Shelby, Liv and Elise are breathtaking.
They sing the chorus once, then Prince tells us he wants us to sing the chorus too. We have to listen carefully, they are going to do it twice
Everybody does his or her best, although those high notes in the second "ooo-ooh" are a bridge too far for some
Prince is pretty pleased with what he hears, and he sings the song very gentle and sweet. The audience keeps singing, an amateur choir but with much devotion. I'm moved to my core, it's an absolutely stunning song.
Although Prince keeps wairing that hood and large sunglasses, I notice that he's pretty emotional too. I wish he would take them off,so I could see his seductive eyes but to no avail.
At the end of the song he stands right in front of me and tries to learn us a new handclap, that is quite complicated, a double handclap just behind the beat. We never seem to get it right and he just laughs at us and keeps shouting instructions : "a bit faster!you've almost got it!not quite yet!there you go!". I'm really speechless. He looks sooo happy, I have never seen him more happier and at peace. He doesn't try to control the band or correct the mistakes, like he often did in the past, irritated by the lack of ingenuity by some band members. Not this time, he just goes with the flow and is thoroughly amused.

At last he runs to the right side of the stage, Cassandra takes the baby grand piano behind the keyboard,where Prince is now starting to play "All the critics love you..." in Belgium, of course. He recognizes some people who were also on the first row in Arras and Werchter and points to them :"You in front center again, you wanna dance?"
He instructs Shelby to get some people to dance with him, but at that time she is on the left side in front of me. People get overexcited and push me against the stage, all climbing over each other to get on stage. Shelby is a bit perplexed but then she gets firm: "no more, the stage is full, it's not safe". I don't even try, because I had knee surgery just a month before and I don't want to climb the stage and bust my knee. I've had my moment in Le Grand Palais. A man and a woman who are last on stage are pushed to the side by Shelby, she doesn't allow them to join the dancers. I felt pity for them, they moved around a bit on the side but I could see how disappointed they were. In the middle of the song, Shelby came to get them anyway, bless her heart. Almost near the end of the song I saw a woman get on stage and dance, later I heard it was Natalia, a famous Belgian singer and former Idol finalist, but I absolutely didn't recognize her.
It was at that time that Prince wanted to learn the audience a new chant. The men had to sing "Woof" while the women had to sing "Miaow". Shelby pushed the mic right under my nose and I miaowed my heart out together with some girls surrounding me.

After a short break, they start the medley Sexy Dancer, Le Freak and I Know You Got Soul. Larry and his band members join the stage. The singer Ashley (her nickname is Biscuit) is a bit hesitant, but Prince invites her to sing along. It's clear she doesn't know the lyrics of I Know You Got Soul, but she improvizes and wings it. Prince and Larry Graham start a bass-guitar duel. Prancing around each other, laughing and joking and genuinely having a good time.

By then the club is steaming, the audience is dancing and jumping. Everybody is elated and exhausted at the same time.
But no rest for the wicked, more party music follows : Party Man - Northside - Water - What Have You Done For Me Lately and a small snippet of a Stevie Wonder song (Superstition or I Wish ?)
During What Have You Done For Me Lately Prince starts a group dance with the ladies, they all bounce around from back to front, and Prince frolics around like a little lamb in the meadow

The next break is much longer and the audience is at full speed, chanting "Partey" and "Oo-ooh" until they melt together in a pretty funky chant.
They learned from the best !

The second highlight of the show for me is How Come You Don't Call Me Anymore. It was sung quite fragile with a voice that started to croak a bit from fatigue, but that was amazingly sexy. The ladies sing beautiful harmonies, almost angelic.
Then the choir starts to mix Please,Please,Please, a James Brown tune into the song. It's absolutely a magical moment when the audience joins in : "Please, please, please don't go".
Prince pretents leaving the stage, but when the audience sings, no, pleads "please please please don't to" with arms stretched out to him, he drags himself back to the mic, holding his hand, palm up, to his forehead.

The duet of Prince and the audience culminates into a blistering hot love ballad - Prince and his lover, the dedicated fans as symbolic mistress, who have defied wind, rain,Brussels and broken glass to court the man they adore : "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaase don't go"

"I love you", he shouts out to us several times, to mend our bleeding hearts.
When he leaves the stage,he leaves us wanting for more than a quarter of an hour, teasing us from the back stage, yelling "Belgium !"
He perfectly knows how to pull our strings.

When the lights go on, we realise the inevitable : our Hot Summer nights will be cold with our Prince.

The End
Well, if happiness was standing at your door
I mean tell me what would you say?


Cita de: ibiza en 16 Julio 2010, 18:27:30
Estoy subiendo ahora el último vídeo. Muy cortito. Y desde aquí quiero dar las gracias a los que estaban pendientes por mi de que no me pillaran, si no fuera por ellos no existirían estos vídeos.
Aquí teneis la prueba de mis compis, mis angeles guardianes  :smitten:
se oye mi voz en el video 2 y 3(soy el de cuidado,jejeje),anda que no me hiciste sufrir ibiza,jejejej,ya pensé que iba a saltar el tio aquel a por ti.a ver si pongo mi humilde video,la calidad de tu camara es impresionante.Yo no me atreví a llevar la mia por lo que te pasó,con la suerte que yo tengo me la hubieran quitado.Pero de todas formas,espero coincidir contigo en mas conciertos y tener que avisarte por que llegan los gorilas de turno,jeje


Cita de: openbook en 17 Julio 2010, 20:13:40
Me gusta esta crónica del after por littlesis en moquake,

Muy buena y completa! Menuda memoria!!!

Habla incluso de nuestra Cat en el escenario.
Uh! Uh! uh! uhuh!... U SAID! ...Any dogs in the house?... I know U're nasty... SAID!!!


Buenas Blacky, yo estoy interesado y vivo en Salamanca, te mando privado.


Curioseando he encontrado en la página de Jamie Lidell un extracto de su concierto desde el escenario. Ahí se ve la cantidad de gente que acudió al concierto. Por ahí andábamos nosotros ;D:

Ojo a la caricatura de Prince que hay en la página ;D.
Oh baby, I really like your look
When U lay your eyes on me, U know I'm hooked
I'm waiting 2 feel your touch
Your body, your mind, and soul...
Is that 2 much?


Sus discos Multiply, Jim y Compass no tienen desperdicio. Empezó haciendo una electrónica muy dura y se ha convertido en todo un soul/funky man. Mis respetos a Mr. Jamie Lidell.


Cita de: panicoescenico en 19 Julio 2010, 11:40:24
Sus discos Multiply, Jim y Compass no tienen desperdicio. Empezó haciendo una electrónica muy dura y se ha convertido en todo un soul/funky man. Mis respetos a Mr. Jamie Lidell.
Shocka y yo ya predijimos su éxito en el concierto  ;D

Cita de: goldie en 17 Julio 2010, 20:32:23
Goldie, me meo de risa con tu "Purple Yoda"  :laugh4:


Cita de: eldoctorjota en 19 Julio 2010, 12:38:29
Cita de: panicoescenico en 19 Julio 2010, 11:40:24
Sus discos Multiply, Jim y Compass no tienen desperdicio. Empezó haciendo una electrónica muy dura y se ha convertido en todo un soul/funky man. Mis respetos a Mr. Jamie Lidell.
Shocka y yo ya predijimos su éxito en el concierto  ;D

Cita de: goldie en 17 Julio 2010, 20:32:23
Goldie, me meo de risa con tu "Purple Yoda"  :laugh4:

siempre es un gustazo ver que entre los pobladores hay auténticos amantes de la música, y me consta que son muchos (aunque no participe mucho, leo casi todos los posts). Aquí he hecho grandes descubrimientos. Aunque lo de Lidell me viene de hace años, su etapa de experimentación electrónica me interesaba mucho, como amante de los sintes y los samplers y la informática aplicada a la música...


...hablando de todo un poco, creo recordar que TEACHER grabo "en plan disimulo" en el after con el movíl junto a la barbilla y con cara de decir...Que raro, en casa nunca toma una segunda taza.

Que se sabe de eso? porque yo con los nervios me puse el movíl al estilo james bond "disimular no es lo mio xD" y no sé dónde le dí y me grabe el pecho DOS veces jajajaa


Aquí está el aftershow entero y se escucha de escándalo.


En How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore le gritan claramente guapo. ¿Alguien se reconoce? ;D ;D


Cita de: bobby_z en 21 Julio 2010, 15:47:34
En How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore le gritan claramente guapo. ¿Alguien se reconoce? ;D ;D

No lo he escuchado todavía pero si no recuerdo mal fue Hello01 ;D.
Oh baby, I really like your look
When U lay your eyes on me, U know I'm hooked
I'm waiting 2 feel your touch
Your body, your mind, and soul...
Is that 2 much?


Cita de: Shockadelica en 21 Julio 2010, 15:49:36
Cita de: bobby_z en 21 Julio 2010, 15:47:34
En How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore le gritan claramente guapo. ¿Alguien se reconoce? ;D ;D

No lo he escuchado todavía pero si no recuerdo mal fue Hello01 ;D.

:laugh4: :laugh4: Sabía que se escucharía a la Hello01 en el boot!  :laugh4:
Uh! Uh! uh! uhuh!... U SAID! ...Any dogs in the house?... I know U're nasty... SAID!!!

teacher teacher

Cita de: ibiza en 20 Julio 2010, 10:50:13
...hablando de todo un poco, creo recordar que TEACHER grabo "en plan disimulo" en el after con el movíl junto a la barbilla y con cara de decir...Que raro, en casa nunca toma una segunda taza.

Que se sabe de eso? porque yo con los nervios me puse el movíl al estilo james bond "disimular no es lo mio xD" y no sé dónde le dí y me grabe el pecho DOS veces jajajaa

pasame ese video, lo prefiero al de prince, (pasame los dos, besos reina)y yo, mucho disimulo, humm, interesante.... pero tenia el movil al reves, me grabé la barbilla.