Prince - New Music?

Iniciado por PatricioRey, 13 Diciembre 2008, 14:26:18

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1- Nuria trabaja en Paisley Park.
2- Nuria tiene un/a pariente, amigo/a o conocido/a q trabaja en Paisley Park.
3- Nuria tiene poderes psíquicos q le permiten leer la mente de Prince.
4- Nuria es Prince.
5- Al menos una de las 4 opciones anteriores debe ser verdadera si no esto no tiene explicación.


Gracias por la info :thumbsup:
Do you promise the funk?


o Nuria tiene amigos franceses.....


Nuria, el tema the divine estará en alguno de los tres cds de prince? mojate vale?
tengo ganas de mojar el churro


Cita de: tototote en 11 Enero 2009, 20:09:08
Alguna canción de "Elixir" también os va a sorprender, seguro....


Sorpresa por la calidad del material?  :D Por el guarrerío recuperado?  :smartass2:


Cita de: Nuria1999 en 12 Enero 2009, 01:34:32
el tema "the divine" se ha trabajado en 3 versiones  una de ellas de mas de 7 minutos

:wacky: (espero que sean 7 minutos de gloria)
Uh! Uh! uh! uhuh!... U SAID! ...Any dogs in the house?... I know U're nasty... SAID!!!


 :laugh4: :laugh4: :laugh4:  ....  se os ve un poquito nerviosos, eh? esto es justo lo que necesitábamos. Qué bien ha empezado el año, cuánto me alegro.   :)
U + me, what a ride


vaya, pues parece que entonces todo está lanzado ya, ¿no?

Por si alguien conoce las respuestas, lanzo estas preguntas:
¿y todo el disco lotusflow3r será entonces en plan indie con guitarras?
¿a cuánto se prevé que se vendan los temas?
¿y la edición física para cuándo?
Nothing Comes From Dreamers But Dreams


Por cierto mecky... Felicidades por tus 1.000 mensajes!!!! :thumbsup:
Uh! Uh! uh! uhuh!... U SAID! ...Any dogs in the house?... I know U're nasty... SAID!!!


Hombre Javier... probablemente tengáis mas información que yo peeeeroooo, la pregunta es "Cuando habilitarán la web para las descargas?"



Cita de: goldie en 12 Enero 2009, 15:15:27
Por cierto mecky... Felicidades por tus 1.000 mensajes!!!! :thumbsup:

Mil gracias, goldie, tú también te has dado cuenta :D. Lo que me han costado....noooo, mentira  ;D ;D GRACIAS!!
U + me, what a ride


Supuesta review de Lotus Flow3r y MPLSound, por parte de alguien q supuestamente trabaja en una discográfica y q supuestamente fue invitado a la casa de Prince (uno más y van...) para escuchar sus nuevos discos. El q posteó esto en HQ dice q es confiable*.

* EDITO: el q le mandó la noticia al q la posteó en HQ dice q es confiable ;D

1ra parte (habla de cómo P se comunicó con este sujeto y poco y nada de música, asíq si están ansiosos pasen a la 2da parte)

Last weekend something special happened to me...As some of you may know,i have been an A&R rep. for several major record companies since 1983.I have mingled with alot of major players in the music industry and have compiled a pretty decent track record for spotting new talent and helping to bring their dreams to fruition by placing them on a record label.Usually A&R reps have a pretty thankless job so when something like this happens it kind of makes the job a little more fun and exciting!Here is what happened...All of my friends know that I have championed Prince since the very begining of his career and have had numerous encounters with him over the years.Most of our encounters have been record company meetings and such,Prince and I have never been too personal with each other except for the casual "whats up?" or sideways glance in the hallways of WB records.The closest Prince ever got to being really human towards me was once back in the early 90's when he stopped me in the hall leading to my office(I used to be a rep. for a good friend of Prince's,Mo Ostin)and told me how pretty my long red hair was!I have since cut my hair to shoulder length but the memory of being flirted with by Prince still tickles me to this day!Fast- foward to last weekend.The phone rings in my office late in the afternoon,a woman's voice asks for me by name and is inquiring whether or not I am the person they are trying to contact.After I confirm that I am not being "punked" by this lady I consent and give her the information needed to verify that I am who this person is looking for.After all the high security type questions are answered I am informed that Prince would be calling me back in 10 minutes and that only I am to answer the phone when he calls,she said Prince would hang up immediately if it wasn't my voice,she said he "knew" my voice.To elaborate on what may seem like a strange comment from Prince regarding "knowing" voice,I have a VERY high voice,sounding at times like betty boop and Prince used to make fun of it whenever we would meet.Glad he remembered that!I sat by that phone for what seemed like an hour and then the call came,it was Prince.I won't divulge our personal phone chat here but I am at liberty to describe the outcome of it!The point of the phone call was to have me go to Prince's house and listen to some new albums that he wanted to release without the input of a record company.At first I thought that to be a strange request being that I work for a record company!my guess is that Prince wanted to show us "gatekeepers" that we are not really that vital anymore and that a person with some great music and a crazy work ethic could easily do our job and put out his own music.Cut to the chase....After a nice welcoming to his home in LA and some casual conversation Prince led me downstairs to a basement studio where he then proceeded to play me  three new albums!The first cd he put on was by a new artist named Bria,her album is called "Elixer" and was produced by Prince and M.Hayes."Elixer" has a very relaxed atmosphere and is better than what you would expect from a Prince protege.

2da parte (acá viene lo bueno ;D)

After listening to the Bria album we left Prince's house and moved into his car which he named MilesDavis.This is where he played me his 2 new albums "LotusFlow3r" and its counterpart "MPLSOUND".LotusFlow3r is a mind- blower.It sounds as if Prince has been reborn with this album.It is heavy,dramatic and mysterious in a way only Prince records can be."LotusFlow3r" begins with a 4 minute piece of guitar madness the likes of which would make any guitar slinger proud.This leads right into the Tommy James authored "Crimson & Clover"!The track "Boom" was next and it instantly kicks into overdrive with screaming guitars and a call and response type lyric"we got the popcorn 2 rock 'dem sox so good,we r  a supernatural species we don't play by the rules of the hood".Prince concludes the track by saying "eye told u eye was bad".I love it!The track "Dreamer" is haunting and dark,sounding like something from side 3 of ElectricLadyland.Other tracks played from "LotusFlow3r" were "4Ever","77 Beverly Place" and the quirky "Wall Of Berlin".My favorite track was "Divine",a song so moving and perfectly constructed that it will be a concert staple for years(think Purple Rain).Prince may have just created the album of the year and i suspect he knows this.As the tracks play he gauges me for reaction as if he knew i would love this album,he was right.I have not heard an album this good all the way through since the days of The Beatles or Rolling Stones!After the "LotusFlow3r" album we head back into the basement studio for the unveiling of the "MPLSOUND" album.At first I thought this album would be lacking in comparison to "LotusFlow3r" but I was in for a surprise.Let me just say that I am not a person who wants artists to keep making the same record over and over,in the case of Prince though i will admit that i dreamed of the day when he would regroup and give us something like "1999" again,he hasn't,until now.This album("MPLSOUND") sounds as if Prince was frozen in a chunk of ice in 1982 and thawed out this year to make this album.It is funky as all get out,electronic,psychedelic and hypnotic music to say the least.Understand that i am not easily impressed musically nor do i give kudos on work that i don't feel is deserving,part of my job as an A&R person is to be as blunt as possible with an artist.I was not fooled by Prince's claims of going back to the minneapolis sound on previous records,one listen to "Chocolate Invasion","Rave 2 The Joy Fantastic" or any other post 80's album will reveal a man at war with his former records and fanbase,as if he were saying "i'm still funky,in a keeping up with the jones' way"...that is not the case with "MPLSOUND".It is 100% old school Prince so much so that i wondered if half these songs had been laying in that vault of his since 1982 or so,he assured me all the songs were recorded in a few weeks by himself at Paisley Park this past fall.It isn't just the instrumentation used on "MPLSOUND" that makes it "old-school Prince",it is the attitude,the swagger,the naughtiness and the voice!Thank goodness he has found his voice again,the r&b crooning on past records sounded forced or calculated to me,not this time,On "MPLSOUND" Prince sounds like he did on his early recordings,full of bravado and experimentation.Tracks included here are "$","Dance 4 Me" and "Better With Time".The tracks on "MPLSOUND" flow together perfectly and it is a cohesive album in the mold of some of his best dancefloor nuggets.


Tiene olor a fake pero a esta altura me conformo con cualquier cosa ;D
Do you promise the funk?



lo digo mas alto? Por que mas claro no se puede decir...




Uh! Uh! uh! uhuh!... U SAID! ...Any dogs in the house?... I know U're nasty... SAID!!!


todos corriendo a!!!!!!
teneis algo que hacer el sabado 31 de enero? ;D
"Don't need no reefer, don't need cocaine, FUNKY music does the same 2 my brain and I'm high, so high"


Cita de: wembley en 16 Enero 2009, 09:07:23
todos corriendo a!!!!!!
teneis algo que hacer el sabado 31 de enero? ;D

También han añadido un trozo de los temas "Chocolate Box", "A Colonized Mind" y "All this love".

¿Qué os parecen?
Oh baby, I really like your look
When U lay your eyes on me, U know I'm hooked
I'm waiting 2 feel your touch
Your body, your mind, and soul...
Is that 2 much?


Lo poco que he podido oír, por que estoy en la oficina, es chocolate box, y me ha recordado a guitar.......................................... :guitarist:


La percusión de Chocolate Box me recuerda a "When doves cry".

"All this love" tiene buena pinta...

Y ¿qué pasa el 31 de enero? No veo nada de eso en la página...
I just wanna fearlessly bathe in the Purple Rain


Pues yo no escucho na de na :-(


"chocolate box" tampoco parece nada del otro mundo, pero sí apunta a que se confirma que prince se ha dedicado a jugar con el pro tools (el programa que se usa para grabar discos) y a buscar efectillos y cosas así, pero vamos en la línea de la otra de mplsound. Suena muy trendy, muy en la línea de lo que hacen ahora en los usa.

"all this love" es que suena tan poquito cacho que no me puedo pronunciar. Pero me gusta más, suena más en la línea de lo que me gusta, con toques soul/blues/jazz, pero vamos, que es tan poquito que lo dicho, habrá que esperar.
Nothing Comes From Dreamers But Dreams


Si pulsais sobre el ticket que aparece al lado de la radio podreis ver que el 31 de enero.. blablabla... os piden nombre y email para suscribiros