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Iniciado por PatricioRey, 04 Enero 2009, 16:32:36

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¿Quién puede facilitarnos llas letras de Colonized Mind?  :juggle:


Cita de: PRiNCe_ en 05 Febrero 2009, 21:19:05
¿Quién puede facilitarnos llas letras de Colonized Mind?  :juggle:

Creo está bien

Wanna talk about it
Colonized Mind

Upload, the evolution principle
You see a rock on the shore and say
"It's always been there"

Download, no responsibility
Do what you want, nobody cares

Upload, the master race idea
Genetically disposed to rule the world

Download, future full of isolated
Full of isolated, boys and girls

Upload, the 2 party system
The lesser of 2 dangers,
Illusion of choice

Download, their form of fascism
Nothing really ever changes
You never had a voice

Listen to me one time :

If you look, you're sure gonna find
Throughout mankind's history
A Colonized Mind

The one in power makes law
Under which the colonized fall
Without God, it's just the blind leading the blind

Upload, a joint venture record deal
It's just another way another man can still sleep
While he's sticking you with the bill

Download, a temporary acquisition
of fleeting fame and fortune
Nothing to leave in your will
Hey hey hey hey


Upload, a child with no father
Download, no respect for authority
Upload, a child with no mother
Download, a hard time showing love

If you look, you're sure gonna find
Throughout mankind's history
A Colonized Mind
The one in power makes law
Under which the colonized fall
Without God : it's just the blind leading the blind


Viene a decir en clave mesiánica que "quien siembra vientos recoge tempestades". Y Prince debe haber sembrado muchos vientos a lo largo de su vida porque ...

Gracias por la transcripción.


Cita de: bobby_z en 05 Febrero 2009, 21:25:46
Cita de: PRiNCe_ en 05 Febrero 2009, 21:19:05
¿Quién puede facilitarnos llas letras de Colonized Mind?  :juggle:

Creo está bien

Wanna talk about it
Colonized Mind

Upload, the evolution principle
You see a rock on the shore and say
"It's always been there"

Download, no responsibility
Do what you want, nobody cares

Upload, the master race idea
Genetically disposed to rule the world

Download, future full of isolated
Full of isolated, boys and girls

Upload, the 2 party system
The lesser of 2 dangers,
Illusion of choice

Download, their form of fascism
Nothing really ever changes
You never had a voice

Listen to me one time :

If you look, you're sure gonna find
Throughout mankind's history
A Colonized Mind

The one in power makes law
Under which the colonized fall
Without God, it's just the blind leading the blind

Upload, a joint venture record deal
It's just another way another man can still sleep
While he's sticking you with the bill

Download, a temporary acquisition
of fleeting fame and fortune
Nothing to leave in your will
Hey hey hey hey


Upload, a child with no father
Download, no respect for authority
Upload, a child with no mother
Download, a hard time showing love

If you look, you're sure gonna find
Throughout mankind's history
A Colonized Mind
The one in power makes law
Under which the colonized fall
Without God : it's just the blind leading the blind

Gracias bobby_z :thumbsup:




Buenas alguien puede pasarme todos lo ficheros d audio de los temas de la nueva pagina......es que con mi mozilla no puedo descargarla :-( o no se como....mil gracias y lo siento......


npgman, en este mismo tema Nuria1999 ya colgó DiscoJellyFish y Another Boy, en flac. Fijate 2 páginas más atrás ;)

Cita de: Goldenboy en 06 Febrero 2009, 08:57:49
Esto circula por ahí:

¿Y eso?
Do you promise the funk?


Sista she doll


o tambien aqui:


Colonized mind (ripeada de cd pronto)



gracias Nuria, ¿confirmado que es de Prince?
Nothing Comes From Dreamers But Dreams



Sea o no de Prince, esto sí que suena a Controversy. No como las anteriores.

Gracias Nuria!
Uh! Uh! uh! uhuh!... U SAID! ...Any dogs in the house?... I know U're nasty... SAID!!!


Muchas gracias Prince!!!...Ups...Nuria1999 jejeje


por cietto, la web carga en negro ahora mismo...¿nueva actualizacion?


Cita de: Nuria1999 en 06 Febrero 2009, 17:25:18
por cietto, la web carga en negro ahora mismo...¿nueva actualizacion?

A mí me carga bien, falsa alarma


Gracias Nuria. Esperamos ese Colonized Mind con ansias ;D
Do you promise the funk?




me has alegrado el fin de semana :)
muchas gracias!!!!!


Cita de: Mike T. en 01 Febrero 2009, 16:20:48
     Según parece, el Enano Con Cara De Enfermo Que Demanda A Sus Seguidores ha registrado una nueva dirección.


     No hay nada todavia. ;D

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