Iniciado por DMSR, 16 Febrero 2006, 22:58:10

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Este es el email que acabo de recibir desde el npgmc, supongo que como algunos de los foreros. No me cosco de casi nada (por no decir nada)  No necesito una traducción de todo, pero si alguien hace el favor de explicarme/nos de qué va la cosa...  ::)  Gracias


An international 3121 CD Tour has begun and we asked The NPG rep on the road 2 keep the Club in4med on how it's going. Check out their ongoing reports, more 2 come:


CD Tour, Part 1 - The Beginning

The story begins with a phone call:
"R u available 2 do some international listening sessions 4 the 3121 CD?" Wow, what an oppor2nity. Eye said yes right away, didn't need details. A few days later, a travel itinerary arrives: 3 continents, 6 countries and 20 listening sessions in 2 weeks. With Universal's help, all major media and music retailers in each region would get 2 hear the album b4 its release without being able 2 leak any priveleged in4mation. This project is completely under wraps: there's no tracklisting, no artwork, no background in4mation on any of the trax. The music will speak 4 itself.

This is huge.


B4 catching a flight 2 Sydney, Australia, eye'm handed a CD-R of 3121. After testing a few seconds of each track in my CD player, eye package the cd in a sturdy case and sandwich it between other CDs in my bag. 3121 will b at my side at all times 4 the next 2 weeks.

Eye meet the Universal representative who's traveling with me on this whirlwind tour, and off we go.


CD Tour, Part 2 - Sydney
We meet some local Universal reps in Sydney and r driven 2 the offices of Sanity, Australia's largest music retailer. We scope out the conference room, disconnect all the teleconferencing gear. Security is xtra tight: no phones, no portable electronics, nothing that could possibly record any audio. We air the videos 4 Black Sweat, Te Amo Corazon and play 3121 straight thru. Everyone in the office is amazed with the CD, from the young, fresh-out-of-school folx on up 2 the senior staffers. This CD is going 2 b bigger than big and they know it; u could c it on their faces.

Eye grab the CD and later that day we're shuttled 2 a swanky niteclub rented specifically 4 two more listening sessions. The media, some mobile media folx and others at Universal who will work on album promotion will attend. A decent JBL sound system pumps the ahdio and the vibe instantly trans4ms in2 one of those slammin' all-nite afterparties even tho it's early afternoon. Heads r bobbing, folx r dancing in their seats as they take notes.

The videos and the CD get massive rounds of applause -- bear in mind most of these r journalists who wouldn't b seen clapping at an event they're reporting on. We hear nothing but positive comments from everyone. As one journo put it, "this album is positively sexy." Some ask us when Prince will tour Australia, and many of them r still raving about the legendary aftershow per4mance at The Basement jazz club back in '03.

The buzz begins. Next stop, Tokyo.

--- 2 b continued ----

Mi novela homenaje: "TRACK AND PRINCE"


Good nights DMSR, lo que te ha llegado parece una  crónica, hablan de hacer diferentes escuchas del nuevo 3121, antes de finalmente lanzarlo en ventas, de tal modo que recorrerá 3 continentes: 6 países y 20 diferentes escuchas del mismo durante dos semanas. No se quién firma esto, ni qué cargo puede tener en el npgmc, pero lo siguiente de lo que habla es de las primeras escuchas del 3121 y de las reacciones de la gente ante los videoclips de te amo corazón, black sweat, y la sesión de poner el 3121. Es un poco rimbombante escribiendo, como que a todo el mundo se le han caido un poco las bragas al escucharlo, hablan de que es un disco sexy y que los reporteros que han podido escucharlo acabaron aplaudiendo y bailando un poco con los pies en sus asientos (... breve resumen claro está), y que la próxima sesión de escucha será en Tokyo, después de haber pasado por Australia (Sidney en este caso).
fijo que ahora viene shocka y te hace un desglose absoluto de lo que dicen, pero creo que con este resumen te vale por ahora ;)
un beso wapo, gracias por avisar de esta clase de mails que a los que no pertenecemos al club no nos llegan. Quién escribirá esa crónica?


En el NPGMC ya han puesto el resumen de lo que pasó en Tokio y se dice que la próxima escala es París. Dicen que está gustando mucho, que es lo mejor en 15 años, un nuevo "1999", etc... pero es la página oficial y hay que creese lo justo, ¿no? :sweatdrop:


Cita de: Blackbean en 17 Febrero 2006, 16:04:48
En el NPGMC ya han puesto el resumen de lo que pasó en Tokio y se dice que la próxima escala es París. Dicen que está gustando mucho, que es lo mejor en 15 años, un nuevo "1999", etc... pero es la página oficial y hay que creese lo justo, ¿no? :sweatdrop:

15 años? 1991? mmm.. diamonds & pearls?


Cita de: Blackbean en 17 Febrero 2006, 16:04:48
En el NPGMC ya han puesto el resumen de lo que pasó en Tokio y se dice que la próxima escala es París. Dicen que está gustando mucho, que es lo mejor en 15 años, un nuevo "1999", etc... pero es la página oficial y hay que creese lo justo, ¿no? :sweatdrop:
De echo, no hay que creerse nada, que al fin y al cabo el NPGMC no es más que la "discográfica" de Prince, y lo que quieren es vender el disco.

Lo mejor, fiarnos de nuestras orejas cuando lo escuchemos.
Bringing up the background noise


A 12-hour flight later, we're in Tokyo. After a day's rest we head 2 Universal 4 a full day of 3121 CD listening sessions with journalists and some mobile and online reps. These folx r more businesslike than their counterparts in Sydney, and the sessions r held in a conference room. Unlike the standard conference room, this one has speakers that THUMP!
After each listening session, reporters ask questions. They're most interested in the meaning behind "3121." While neither eye nor my Universal touring partner speak Japanese, we can tell each time this question is asked, as our Japanese Universal rep is frequently saying "mysterioso" in the middle of his xplanations. We also catch many ?s about Maceo Parker and when Prince will next tour Japan.

The reporters were asked 2 fill out feedback 4ms and the responses were xciting: "best album in 15 years;" "this album is big like 1999." We saw lots of "thumbs up" signs and heard many a "very funky!" comment.

A radio show host from a station called J Wave is so psyched about 3121 that he asked the local Universal rep 2 go live on air at 1:30 am that same nite 2 discuss the album. We try 2 tune in but r so tired we're asleep b4 the show ends.

There's another long flight in store 4 the next day, destination: PARIS.


CD Tour, Part 4 - Paris
The third intercontinental flight this journey, the plane-lounging xperience seems shorter than eleven hours. When we arrive at the hotel in Paris, eye drop off my bags, quickly catch up on emales and head out 4 some real food b4 crashing out 4 the nite. (4 some reason, many of the airlines seem 2 think rice and overcooked yellow squash qualifies as a good vegetarian meal whether breakfast, lunch or dinner, even twice on one flight. No matter how hungry one is, no one can eat that stuff. Maybe that's y there's always more...hmm.)

Eye wake up ridiculously early the next day, catch up on some emales and c from his quick replies that the Universal rep is doing the same. This seems 2 b the trend this trip -- no matter how tired, no matter how little sleep time we have, we still wake up by 4 or 5 am.

The schedule will b tight with no days off 4 a while. Eye squeeze in a couple hours' worth of walking thru Paris b4 the afternoon sessions; there will b no time 4 sightseeing otherwise. It's chilly and eye'm tired, but the xperience is well worth it.

We meet up with the Parisian Universal team and r shuttled 2 a hidden loft apartment rented 4 the day's sessions. The place has all the amenities of a cool loft space: a glass staircase and ceiling, modern furniture, original art, u name it.

A projection screen TV shows a loop of the Te Amo Corazon and Black Sweat videos as 3121 blares thru the sound system. This seems more like a chillout party than a media/retail listening session -- it's a rare oppor2nity 4 these folx and appreciation shows on their faces.

By the end of the night, 100 more people have heard 3121. Once again, there r nothing but positive comments all around:

"This album is a best-of of 3 decades of black music" -- Vincent Berthe (Rap Mag)

"All the young R&B acts can go back 2 school, Prince is the master" -- Antoine (Radio France).

It's been another great xperience, another round of satisfied listeners. We head off 2 the hotel room, and even tho there's a club pumping out music downstairs, eye'm asleep in seconds. The next day we need 2 b out the door early 4 r next stop: Berlin

--- 2 b continued ----


Nuevo email promocional desde el NPGMC.
En la 2ª foto, ya se empieza a promocionar "3121" en las tiendas americanas.
También, en la página frontal del NPGMC, un nuevo clip promocional aprovechando las imágenes del "Black Sweat".
