Opiniones sobre Planet Earth

Iniciado por Blackbean, 25 Marzo 2007, 19:25:47

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Muchas gracias, Nuria!

Siempre me emociona escuchar algo nuevo de Prince. Me parece un lujo poderlo vivir contemporaneamente.


Todavía no la he escuchado entera (escribo ésto antes de que acabe mi primera y única audición) pero, a primera impresión, me parece como si hubiera mezclado distintas canciones de distintas épocas para crear "Future Baby Mama".

Hay ecos del Diamonds & Pearls, algún guiño al Sign 'O' The Times, unas pizcas de mediados de los 90, algo del sonido Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic... No es que el tema me haya emocionado, pero de largo supera a, por ejemplo, "Beautiful, Love & Blessed" o "Incense & Candles" (por compararla a canciones cercanas en tiempo y estilo).

No es nada original, pero le veo buen color de momento al asunto. :smoking:

Chuck Romerales

     Pues hombre, así de una oida... pasable (igual dentro de un tiempo me gusta mas) aunque francamente me suena a ya oida. Estilisticamente, digo. A mi me suena un poco a 'Silly Game', de 'Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic' ;D
Me subí a la rejaaaa


Primera crítica aparecida en los medios, concretamente en www.vibrationsmusic.com (en francés) y traducida gentilmente por nuestro poblador Cateto (publicada en housequake.com, sitio del que como todos sabéis es un fantástico moderador):

"Appearing on July 16th, Planet Earth spreads a few traces of genius within a whole a bit disappointing. A musician always over his contemporary colleagues, but sometimes on the verge of routine. It seems that, if rumours hold true, the genius could well put in flames the surprise evening at the Montreux Jazz Festival, the same day of the album release...

Planet Earth: A piano intro, a side of opera rock in the arrangements, the high voice of Prince. He loves his universalist message within a classic melody a bit pompous and grandiloquent. He finishes in extremis with a guitar solo (the first but not the last) in crescendo until the end.

Somewhere Here on Earth: The slow Prince in full splendour. But the quiet voice and the romantic mood pull this balad to the old school side, in the line of a Smokey Robinson.

The One U Wanna C: New load of rock driven by drums very (trop) present and insisting. Clapping hands in the middle. Again, the writing remains previsible, nothing revolutionary within the tempo or the groove of the song, but an energy in the communication that gets the listener. New guitar solo to end.

Future Baby Mama: Second slow song in session, more sweaty and more sexy, more tipically Prince in fact. The ethereal voice and the synthetic beat play on the "quiet storm" funky effect, like we used to say in the 80s. Always the class, but also with that feeling that gets insinuated: ballads like this one, Prince seems to be enabled to write everyday. Yes but at the same time, who else?

Mr. Goodnight: "All over the world, they call me Prince, but you can call me Mr. Goodnight", says Prince, followed by lascivious female voices. The serious rhythm song. It's simple, it works and it's good for ears liking the formatted R'n'B.

All the Midnights in the World: Wow.... namby-pamby melody, words exhaling affectation, orchestrations and honey voices. Next!

Chelsea Rodgers: The killer in the album. An intro proto disco which could propulse Sylverster towards 2007, a black female voice like there were in all 70s singles. The song to fill the dancefloors next summer. With all the horns section parading to follow, sax, trombone, trumpet, then the choirs, the clapping hands, the percussions: irresistible!

Lion of Judah: Standard and forgettable rock, in spite of a new demonstration by the leader on guitar.

Resolution: Good feelings a bit naives in their expresion, over another sluggish rock non saved either by the vaguely reggae bridge, nor by the bass, mixed too much to the forefront."


a mi me suena que va a ser un planet ur-anus


Otra interesante crítica por parte de Papaj, también desde housequake.com:

Here go the songs and descriptions:

1.Planet Earth – begins with haunting piano chords and Prince's voice solely. It does reminisce Empty Room, especially the live version, as it is piano and guitar driven and shares the same atmosphere of angst. The cut is rather complex and has got a tremendous melody. From the very beginning Prince treats you with a very emotive vocal delivery embracing the piano chords. Then a strong guitar and heavy drums come in at a mid tempo and immediately Led Zeppelin's opuses come to mind. There is also a nice break with jazzy drums, piano, scatting vocals and screaming guitars. Then it turns back to the minimalist intro part to again develop into a real rocker with a fantastically placed guitar solo at the end. It ends with some strange sounds, some sort of loop of a starting rocket if I remember correctly. It is a very strong cut and my personal favourite right now.

2.Guitar – same as the single version.

3.Somewhere Here On Earth – a slow jazzy ballad with loads of piano, trumpet and some flute. I think the beat comes from a drum machine but the rest of the music is very organic. It begins with an extended trumpet solo a la Atlanta Bliss (or Miles Davis). It is sung in a falsetto and I have to admit that Prince simply kills it vocally on this one, it is that good! There is plenty of space left for soloing on the aforementioned instruments and some vocal acrobatics which would make Billie Holiday happy... After several verses and choruses interspersed with soloing the tempo increases a bit to make it sound in the vein of the waltzy A Place in Heaven. It is less focused on melody and more on instrumentation. Frankly, one of his finest ballads without sounding schmaltzy a single bit.

4.The One U Wanna See – an uptempo pop rock number with a country undercurrent. The beat is quite similar to Guitar but it features some nice slap bass. It is indeed very lively and sounds a bit like Play in the Sunshine. I think Wendy and Lisa might be on this cut as it has this late revolution feel of The Dream Factory material with a The Beatles tinge. This is a very catchy and happy song. Nice guitar work at the end and handclaps. Great melody.

5.Future Baby Mama – already out there so I won't go into details here.

6.Mr. Goodnight – I cosign Murph's comment that this one might have been left of for the sake of cohesiveness, it does not seem to go well with the rest of the disc. Prince raps in a laid back manner, the beat is forgettable but the melody and chorus are not that bad. There is some nice bass here. The chorus is sung by some female voices. I think Shelby J. might be doing the backing vocals on this one. It is catchy, yet unoriginal and somewhat dull.

7. All the Midnights in the World – I could not agree less with the critics of the song. To me this is a classic pop rock Prince cut, sounding a bit like The Holy River or A Million Days. It is far from being cheesy. The arrangement is very simple with some nice piano chords and powerful drums.

8. Chelsea Rodgers – a real club banger. Boogie Wonderland on crack. Disco-funk feel of the 1970s. Sung predominantly by Shelby J. with Prince cutting in here and there. Lots of chants, such as "C'mon Chelsea, C'mon go ahead now!". A bit like Superfreak by Rick James. It is a bit repetitive but extremely effective as a funk workout. From what I could make of the lyrics it is about the Chelsea girl, who used to be a model but now wants to save her soul. Nice solos on sax, trombone, trumpet, a Billie Jean like beat breakdown, good vocal harmonies and great guitar work. You will be singing the chorus for weeks (or years) to come.

9. Lion of Judah – another uptempo rock number with the opening guitar strokes similar to Purple Rain's intro. It is nice, although it made me think of Cinnamon Girl for a while. It has this oldschool rock feel but manages to smuggle some Bowie-like elements in some parts. Dirty guitar solo at the end plus a break down with a guitar and kick drum a bit reminiscent of The Cross.

10. Resolution – yes, it is called Resolution, the tracklist labaled on the disc sleeve clearly stated that plus the word appears in the lyrics. This yet another pop rocker has some sweet acoustic guitar, nice bass and heavy drums. It features a reggae infused part near the end and a break similar to some parts of Into the Light. "How many people really want a resolution?" Prince asks. Ends with some quirky synth sounds.

It will be very difficult to review this album. Majority of the cuts (Planet Earth, Somewhere Here On Earth, The One U Wanna See, All the Midnights in the World, Chelsea Rodgers, Lion of Judah and Resolution) to me sounded really inspired. Prince is in a great mood and the joy of making music really oozes from this album. It is a bold statement after the very commercial sounding 3121 and a refreshing experience. But to judge it fairly one will have to give it some more spins. Soon.


Cita de: Blackbean en 20 Junio 2007, 18:24:20
En www.3121.com pueden verse dos imágenes en las que pone:

"Imagine holding Planet Earth in the palm of your hand
with no regard 4 Ur place of birth or claim 2 any land..."

"A model used 2 B a role model..."

Posiblemente sean extractos de las letras de dos de las canciones del disco. ¿Quizá "Planet Earth" y "Chelsea Rodgers"?

Dos nuevas imágenes en www.3121.com en las que, sobre el fondo con la cifra 3121, puede leerse:

"A strong foundation last 4ever more"

"With love in the lead, resolution will follow"

De nuevo deja dos extractos de otras dos canciones, esta vez parecen ser de "Future Baby Mama" y "Resolution" respectivamente.


Cita de: --moloko-- en 27 Junio 2007, 22:52:50
a mi me suena que va a ser un planet ur-anus

:laugh4: :laugh4: :laugh4: :laugh4:

Yo también estoy empezando a asustarme...  :uhoh:
Uh! Uh! uh! uhuh!... U SAID! ...Any dogs in the house?... I know U're nasty... SAID!!!


Cita de: Blackbean en 28 Junio 2007, 00:42:12
Cita de: Blackbean en 20 Junio 2007, 18:24:20
En www.3121.com pueden verse dos imágenes en las que pone:

"Imagine holding Planet Earth in the palm of your hand
with no regard 4 Ur place of birth or claim 2 any land..."

"A model used 2 B a role model..."

Posiblemente sean extractos de las letras de dos de las canciones del disco. ¿Quizá "Planet Earth" y "Chelsea Rodgers"?

Dos nuevas imágenes en www.3121.com en las que, sobre el fondo con la cifra 3121, puede leerse:

"A strong foundation last 4ever more"

"With love in the lead, resolution will follow"

De nuevo deja dos extractos de otras dos canciones, esta vez parecen ser de "Future Baby Mama" y "Resolution" respectivamente.

Y han colgado Future Baby Mama (Bootleg), jejeje.
Well, if happiness was standing at your door
I mean tell me what would you say?


Quejicoso, sa.

1. adj. Que se queja demasiado, y la mayoría de las veces sin causa.


ya hemos oido el 20% del disco y es mediocre asi que si hay causa

The maX

Donde se puede escuchar resolution? He mirado en 3121 y no he visto nada...


--moloko--, mítico tu avatar, ha ha!

bueno, los quejosos, como los defensores acérrimos, son inevitables en los foros de artistas. antes, leías una revista que te decía que el disco estaba arrasando y a lo mejor te lo creías. ahora escuchas la  mejor canción y siempre encuentras en la red sus detractores, así que a los que nos gusta forear tenemos que habituarnos a este hecho.

toda música tiene eso, que gusta sólo a unos, y a los que nos gusta, de cierto modo nos une


Despues de escuchar Future Baby Mama la única cosa que se me viene a la cabeza es mediocre e insulsa. Vamos, la típica canción coñazo para rellenar el disco.


Y como curiosidad, vuelvo a escuchar en esta canción el mismo ligado de notas al bajo de Call My Name y Joy In Repetition (live) , aunque esto mas que curiosidad es una frikada mia........


La verdad es que casi me estais quitando las ganas de oir el disco,tambien escuché críticas furibundas al 3121 y sigo pensando que es un buen disco,bastante superior al Musicology.Que conste que me gustaría otro Rainbow Children pero ya me imagino que no será así,por otro lado me niego ha escuchar nada hasta que salga el disco,mejor escucharlo de un tirón y opinar...si no es así cuando salga el disco ya no va a tener gracia ni ir a comprarlo,un saludo.


Cita de: --moloko-- en 28 Junio 2007, 10:39:33
ya hemos oido el 20% del disco y es mediocre asi que si hay causa

Sing o the times ya lo hizo hace 20 años, hasta cuando vamos a seguir pidiendo que todos los discos que saque sean de la magnitud de SOTT o 1999 o el que quieran ? cada CD que sale es la misma historia, no es hora de conformarce con lo que hay?


Nuevas noticias/rumores:

- "Guitar" no saldrá finalmente como single físico.

- En algunas tiendas de la web pone que Planet Earth se ha cancelado, en otras páginas la fecha de salida ha cambiado al 23 o 24 de Julio (en todo el mundo) mientras que en otras la fecha se mantiene como estaba (por cierto, en la de Sony España la fecha es el 12 de Julio).

- Se dice que regalará el disco con la edición dominical de un periódico inglés.

Seguiremos informando... :juggle:


Me parece una idea muy interesante. Despoja al disco de la industria. A ver...


Una ultima noticia sobre el tema de que se regale el CD con un periodico:

Prince Giveaway an 'Insult' to Record Shops

Katie Allen, media business correspondent
Thursday June 28, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

The Mail on Sunday's plan to give away Prince's new album for free has drawn harsh complaints from CD retailers with one executive describing it as "madness".
Music industry insiders say the newspaper is in talks with the pop star to issue his latest album as a free covermount.

The plan follows the Mail on Sunday's giveaway of Mike Oldfield's album Tubular Bells, which sparked a row with the musician over the effect on sales. Oldfield attacked music company EMI for agreeing to give away Tubular Bells in the paper, but the Mail on Sunday responded by saying it actually lifted the album's sales in the shops.

The Entertainment Retailers Association (ERA) made no secret today of its anger over the Prince plans, saying the rumour of a giveaway "beggars belief".

"It would be an insult to all those record stores who have supported Prince throughout his career," ERA co-chairman Paul Quirk told a music conference. "It would be yet another example of the damaging covermount culture which is destroying any perception of value around recorded music."

"If it turns out to be the case - and we're still trying to get to the bottom of it - The Artist Formerly Known as Prince should know that with behaviour like this he will soon be the Artist Formerly Available in Record Stores. And I say that to all the other artists who may be tempted to dally with the Mail on Sunday."

He went on to warn the music industry not to take record stores for granted.
"How can you expect record stores to support you if you then do deals which threaten the very basis of UK record retailing."

High street music giant HMV was similarly scathing about the plans.
"I think it would be absolutely nuts if Prince's album was given away by the Mail on Sunday," said HMV chief executive Simon Fox. "I can't believe the music industry would do it to itself. I simply can't believe it would happen, it would be absolute madness."

Prince also plans to give away a free copy of his new album with each ticket sold for his upcoming string of concerts in London. The singer had signed a global deal as well for the promotion and distribution of his new album in partnership with Columbia Records, a division of music company Sony BMG. A spokesman for the group said today that the UK arm of Sony BMG had withdrawn from Prince's global deal fearing damage to its relationship with retailers.

"We think it the right thing to do in the difficult retail market," he said. "We are delighted Prince has come back to a major label but this makes sense for the UK."

The Mail on Sunday could not immediately be reached for comment. The Associated Newspaper title has maintained in the past that its covermount CDs of artists such as Simply Red, Madness and Dolly Parton stimulates interest in music.


Según lo que intuyo leyendo estas ultimas noticias, parece que las tiendas de música (HMV sobre todo) se han tomado bastante a mal que el nuevo disco de Prince vaya a ser regalado en un periodico dominical, lo que obviamente influirá en las pocas ventas que tendrá el disco en las tiendas y ya no podrán sacar tanto beneficio, y con sus declaraciones parece que quieren hacer un boicot a Prince o al menos por sus palabras asi se deduce... ¿quizas sean medidas de presión para que lo de regalarlo con el periodico no se lleve a cabo?

Sea lo que sea... se vuelve a juntar la palabra Controversy con Prince  ;D

Edito porque parece ser que ahora Sony dice que tras conocer la noticia de que el album se distribuirá gratis con ese periodico que ellos se borran y no distribuirán el disco en UK. Asi q ahora quien distribuira Planet Earth alli? El que se haga fan de Prince dentro de unos años creo que va a tener dificil encontrar el Planet Earth en Reino Unido :rolleyes4: