Vuelven los aftershows a Paisley Park!

Iniciado por KyKe, 12 Junio 2004, 23:28:20

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Resumiendo, el siguiente email del NPGMC anuncia que la gira Musicology llegará a MPLS los días 16, 17 y 18 y que para 'celebrarlo' habrá aftershows especiales en Paisley Park.  [smiley=guitarist.gif]

Y además abrirán los estudios por las mañanas durante esos tres días para visita del personal. Vamos, una mini-celebration! Hoy salen las entradas a la venta. Y para no variar lo avisa con 4-5 días de antelación!


Prince returns 2 the Twin Cities on June 16, 17, and 18 4 his first concerts in 2 YEARS! 2 commemorate this, we will be hosting aftershows at Paisley Park each nite and opening the doors 2 the studio each day.

June 16, 17, and 18 we will have special aftershows at Paisley Park Studios immediately following the concerts at the Xcel Center. Tickets 4 each nite will be sold in advance starting 10am CT on Saturday, June 12 in the BACKSTAGE PASS room just like a regular presale ticket. Tickets can be picked up the day of the show at The Park.

And 2 keep the Musicology vibe flowin', we will be opening up Paisley Park Studios 2 the public from Noon-4pm on June 16, 17, and 18. There will be food vendors, a blow-out NPG merch sale, and a special look inside the music studios. Get ur Day Pass at The Park each day, u do not have 2 have a concert ticket or aftershow ticket 2 visit during the day. All proceeds go 2 the Love4oneanother Charity.

Let's kick off the SUMMER OF MUSICOLOGY!

NPG Music Club