El Poblado de Prince

Otros Foros => Real Music => Mensaje iniciado por: maxwell91 en 22 Junio 2010, 22:42:23

Título: Fallece Garry Shider (Parliament - Funkadelic)
Publicado por: maxwell91 en 22 Junio 2010, 22:42:23
Ha muerto Garry Shider a los 56 años, a causa de un cáncer de pulmón y un tumor cerebral. Uno de los miembros más carismáticos de la prole de George Clinton y famoso por salir al escenario siempre en pañales. Se pierde una gran voz y un genial guitarrista. :-[

Garry Shider, Canwest News Service · Tuesday, Jun. 22, 2010

Garry Shider, best known for his funkified guitar and vocal talents as part of George Clinton's band Parliament-Funkadelic, died on June 16 after battling cancer. He was 56.

Shider, who was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997, was often seen in an oversized diaper as part of the band's bizarre stage show. He died just months after being diagnosed with brain and lung cancer.

"Thank you, Garry, for all you have done," read a statement above a photo of Shider on Clinton's official website. "Forever funkin' on!"

Shider, an American, lived in Toronto for a stint when he was a teenager, where he formed another funk outfit, United Soul. He later returned to the U.S. and began working with Clinton.

Read more: http://www.nationalpost.com/news/canada/toronto/Guitarist+gave+funk+Parliament+Funkadelic/3183923/story.html#ixzz0rcHpR1J9 (http://www.nationalpost.com/news/canada/toronto/Guitarist+gave+funk+Parliament+Funkadelic/3183923/story.html#ixzz0rcHpR1J9)

"Cosmic Slop" - Parliament Funkadelic LIVE! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cKpdrEcshQ#)

Por cierto, recomiendo el disco que hizo este tío como proyecto paralelo a Funkadelic y que nunca salió a la luz hasta el año pasado.

Título: Re: Fallece Garry Shider (Parliament - Funkadelic)
Publicado por: IWishUHeaven en 23 Junio 2010, 09:51:38

Una verdadera lástima. Me quedo muy cojo si algún día vuelvo a ver a la "tropa".

Sus pañales fueron su seña de identidad pero su carisma pasaba por su incuestionable honestidad encima del escenario y ese don musical de dejarse envolver por el funk, entrar en trance y desde ahí dar rienda suelta a lo que llevaba dentro. Al final es así, solo transmite quien lo siente por dentro, de corazón, en definitiva quien es honesto consigo mismo.

El amigo Clinton cada vez lo tiene más complicado para "despistarse" en el escenario.

Os adjunto las palabras de sus compañeros de viaje.

All of us in Parliament - Funkadelic want to express our most heartfelt grief and sorrow at the loss of one of our own, and one of the greatest human beings to grace the presence of this earth: Mr. Garry Shider.

Aside from being the core of the group, the main conduit between George and the band, as well as one of the greatest guitarists, vocalists, and songwriters to have ever lived, Garry was the heart of the group, a perpetual family man, with a propensity for laughter, love, and happiness everywhere he went.

Garry was a powerful figure in the music world at large; Everyone who worked with him knows quite well, whether in the studio or on the stage, anywhere in the world, Garry was always about making the whole ship better, and finding new ways to make it consistently run. It is important to note that Garry is responsible for many of us coming into this group, and coming into our own once we were here.

Almost more importantly, Garry was one of the most kindhearted individuals when it came to sharing everything he had with his friends and family, never selfish, always giving all his talents and input, not to mention his unique team dynamic.

No creature on this world or any other can replace Garry Shider. He is virtually un-clone-able. We will all miss Garry more than any words or songs can say, and we wish his incredible, undeniable soul all our love as he passes into the next world.

We send all of our sincerest condolences to Linda and the entire Shider family.

We love you Garry always and forever.

George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic