Alguien estubo en el chateo con Leeds?
Por lo visto se habló del nuevo album (N.E.W.S)...
Alguna alma caritativa copió lo que se dijo por allí?
yo estuve un rato, pero no lo copie... eric dijo sobre news que estuvo trabajando en febrero con PRN en un proyecto instrumental (creo que de momento no sabremos como tiene la voz) y dijo que saldra a la luz en breve ::), y que sera descargado en la web, no CD, esto me gustaria que si alguien mas estuvo lo confirmara, de todos modos seguro que ponen el chat completo pronto en la web... 8)
aqui esta:
PaisleyPark9: We would like 2 welcome Eric Leeds 2 the chat room.
ERIC LEEDS: hi to everyone and thanks for the invite
PaisleyPark9: and we will begin with Aaron
Aaron: Hi Eric, thank you for joining us in the NPGMC Chat! And also
very proud to have the opportunity to ask you the first Question.
Here it is: I was wondering if you could tell us your point of view
why the Madhouse 24 never saw the light of day? I really loved the 8
& 16 albums, and I was hoping for some kind of continuation.
ERIC LEEDS: Well some of 24 ended up on Times Squared. ERIC LEEDS: We
just let things go for awhile after recording it, and then it just
evolved into different things
Aaron: thanks eric
rebecca: Mr Eric Leeds...welcome, I have two questions. 1. Can u tell
us the feelings/thought you had at the first opening of the SOTT
tour/concert, and 2. Do you like Led Zeppelin?
ERIC LEEDS: sometimes things just happen on their own
ERIC LEEDS: concerning the Sign 'O' The Times Tour. Big fun musically
but uncomfortable for me. I was on a high riser the whole tour and
I'm scared of heights! Also, I was never a Led Zeppelin fan. Jazz and
funk for me.
purplestyle7: Eric, u said during ur workshop at last year's
Celebration, if I'm not mistaken, that after working with Prince, u
generally start wondering what to do next. Which is understandable...
I'd like 2 know if u have found many things that compare 2 the unique
experiences with Prince, noteably Madhouse. If so, who else has had
that sort of effect on u when working with them? Thank u, and I also
want 2 mention how much I enjoy ur playing! Much Love 2 u, look
forward to seeing u again soon. Peace ~ Dorothy
ERIC LEEDS: Working on my own albums, particularly Things Left Unsaid
was a highpoint for me. Also working with a variety of jazz artists
in the Twin Cities keeps me learning and learning.
newdawn: Hello Eric, first I want you to know that Madhouse still
rocks on my turntable! I hope there is a chance you guys get together
again (with Dr. Fink!) My question is: Which of your all time
favorite jazz-records can you recommend me (or us) to listen to?
ERIC LEEDS: Miles' Bitches Brew was a life-altering experience for
me. Also just about anything by Weather Report. Also Afro-Cuban
(Salsa),particularly anything by my friend and mentor Eddie Palmieri
newdawn: Thank you Eric. Peace, and bless you!
Saskia: Eric, Thank you for answering all our questions ...Here is
mine: what kind of music/album did U liked the most to play
on....Thank you! xxGreetings from The dawn / The
ERIC LEEDS: any session with P is always an adventure. They always
provide me with something new. I look for the jazz element in
everything I try to do and P always brings a lot of that
avantgarde: hello Eric, tell us when was the FIRST time that Prince
impressed u the most? made u take a step back and said 2 urself "man,
this guy is as good as they say" thx 4 the MUSE-ical memories eric!
ERIC LEEDS: I was not a big fan of Prince before I met him and didn't
know much about his music. I was impressed with him when we started
to work together. My respect for him is purely as a musician. I
couldn't care less that he is also popular.
joint2joint28: Hi Eric, big HELLO from the UK! out of all the music
you have recorded with Prince what are you most proud of ? my fave is
the horn section on the live and 12" version of
ANOTHERLOVERHOLENYOHEAD (did u compose it?) - thanx Dan.
ERIC LEEDS: Yes that was my arrangement. I liked that one alot. I
also liked Sexual Suicide. Has that been released ??
joint2joint28: on the Crystal ball set!!
joint2joint28: love that that too!
joint2joint28: thanx Eric
ERIC LEEDS: cool. That was a bit different
kodjo: Bonjour Eric from France ! it's such a pleasure 2 Xchange
these very few words with U Paris, France ( ) &
Quebec (Nath) thank U and love U Eric ! my question is ...
kodjo: Eric as an accomplished musician on the saxophone, baritone
saxophone, flute and horn Can U tell us what's Ur history &
relationship with each 1 of the instruments U play ? thank U Eric
ERIC LEEDS: Tenor is my main "voice". But baritone has a special
purpose for me. From a standpoint of craft I'm probably a better
baritone player, but my primary influences were the great tenormen.
Flute is just a novelty for me. I don't take it too seriously. If I
had it to do all over again I'd probably just play piano!
aknate: I wonder where can one find your albums? I loved Times
Squared and Things Left Unsaid, and I understand you have a new one
as well. How can I find them? What is your take on the Alex Hahn
book "Posessed"? He seemed to characterize you as on the outs with
ERIC LEEDS: My Paisley albums are cut out. My latest Now and Again is
available again in limited release. Better jazz stores might have it.
Haven't seen the book. The interview for it was done several years
ago. P and I are not on the outs. Was just visiting with him last
Unique2104: hi eric! i'd like 2 know what it was like working with as
influential an artist as prince, but then getting 2 work with miles
davis, some1 u surely musta admired in the 70s. and what can u tell
us about miles and prince that we dont know? is there a prince and
miles davis album in the vaults, or sessions? did u record with p and
miles in the studio? what can u tell us about these sessions?
ERIC LEEDS: Fact is I never "worked" with Miles. Just had the
opprtunity to get to know him a bit. There is nothing to my knowledge
in the vaults with P and Miles. The only tune is "Can I PLay With
You", never officially released and "Sticky Wicked" on a Chaka Khan
lp, but all the horns were done at seperate times.
McD: Hi Eric. (sorry aknate kinda suddenly stole my Q) How do you
feel about the likes of Alex Hahn (Possessed) using quotes from you
(in or out of context) against Prince in his latest bool? Not that
the occasional annoyance/argument isn't there between ANY two friends
you could mention (we all know that), but given your continuing
collaboration with Prince, it seems a little odd that his oldest
studio-friend is popping up in these types of books, especially those
who still enjoy his studio confidence! I'll have to have check out
Now & Again!
ERIC LEEDS: As I said, the interview is svereal years old.
Relationships are always dynamic, if you get my drift. Neither P or I
ever take too seriously our comments about the music as much as the
actual performance of the music. That's where the truth of our
relationship will always be.
takki: hello mr.tenorman, eric. i am so glad 2 be here with u,
listening 2 now and again! it is really cool album. thank u 4 your
wonderful recordings and live(specially e-train,lovesexy tour and one
nite alone in japan). my question : u played with prince and miles
davis... what did u learn from prince and miles? peace--takki
ERIC LEEDS: Hello to my good friend Takki. Miles supplied me with my
musical vocabulary. Prince gave me wonderful opportunites to act on
PaisleyPark9: Eric, would u ever wanna don the sign o the times cape
ERIC LEEDS: Gave my cape to Batman. He had better use for it.
Crazynoiche: How are u doing? Noiche from Paris. How is the repeat
with prince?
ERIC LEEDS: Like a comfortable and stylish suit. Everything fits, but
since I'm a little older, there is always room for growth
sterrekind: Hi mister Eric, welcome, do u know Marcus Miller and if
zo will u work together in the future? next question, Why are u not
on the North Sea Jazz festival here in Holland? And what's your shoe
size? Thnx 4 answering and your time, God bless u and give everyone
around u a big hug for make working. Thnx all PPpeople. (
ERIC LEEDS: Haven't had the pleassure of knowing Marcus. Traveling is
difficult, what with the limited economics of jazz music. And my shoe
size is nine (no loafers please)
damhoff: Hi Eric, what do you prefer: touring or recording?
ERIC LEEDS: Like doing both. Recording is making a sculpture. Touring
is breaking it down
experience: Eric... have u ever tried 2 teach Prince how 2 play the good or bad is he?... will it come 2 a point that he may
not need u (or Maceo/Candy/Hornheads) in the studio one day...?
ERIC LEEDS: Thankfully for me (and Maceo,etc.) he can't play the sax.
Has no embouchure, and you can't go out and buy one. Takes years to
develop it.
blacksworld: hi eric nice 2 see u in denmark 2002 with prince did u
love it as much we did and will u play on my music love from
ERIC LEEDS: I'll email you, send me some music and we'll see
blacksworld: cool
PaisleyPark3: We r glad u could join us, Eric. Thank u 4 that. What
songs would u most like 2 play with Prince?
ERIC LEEDS: I'm alsways looking forward to the one he hasn't yet
AtenO: Who is Ur Favorite All Time Jazz Musician?? and Y?
ERIC LEEDS: Favorite jazz musician: The music is too much to distill
down to just one. But Miles , Coltrane, Zawinul, Wayne Shorter, Ray
Charles would be on my short list
sideshowtobs: Hi Eric. Greetings from all at! Are you
currently recording with Prince in the Studio?
ERIC LEEDS: Was in with him and the gang last Feb. Results will be
out soon I'm told. All instrumental and very adventurous.
Oncidium: hello Eric, wondering who is UR alltime favorite sax
player? If u haven't already answered...
ERIC LEEDS: Once again too many to list. Primary reason I play
though, is David "Fathead" Newman. Fell in love with his sound at a
young age. Coltrane, of course, Wayne Shorter, Pharoah Sanders,
Branford Marsalis is probably my favorite over the last ten years or
Craig: hi eric @ last year's celly u xplained the origin of Mad House
(insurance @ that time it was thought that the
industry would not take a jazz cd from Prince seriously. what about
now, especially since The Rainbow Children and Xpectaion? (i think
jazz is his best genre personally) p.s u play so well :)
ERIC LEEDS: Thankfully the world is more accustomed to P's
eclecticism. The jazz spirit is in pretty much everything he does.
Pluv: Hello Eric ;) You were an awesome speaker at the cele last year
and answered all my curiosities..........therefore I really don't
have any questions for you........just wanted to peep in and say
hello to you once again..........sooooo..............Hello Eric,
peace N love to ya ;) it was awesome seeing you play once again with
da man Prince........U ROCK .............say.......... "Hi
Cindy"............. (act like ya know ) ;)
ERIC LEEDS: Hi Cindy! and thanks for the comments.
Pluv: ;)
b00tyfunk: Mr ERIC, i still get a funkf@c... when i hear u on the
baritone sax on 'girls and boys' in da pocket!!! ...but seriously,
how many girls have u met on the net?
ERIC LEEDS: Don't really spend much time on the net. If I did, I
wouldn't have time for anything else. Besides it's baseball season.
And that comes first.
DJMikeD: Hi Eric - I would like to know if you have an opinion of the
recent decision by the FCC to de-regulate media ownership laws. If
so, how do you think it will effect the music industry (radio)?
ERIC LEEDS: I'm an old-fashioned liberal, thank you very much. Never
like the idea of large corporations having unfettered control over
too much of anything. Just look at AOL Time Warner, etc. The FCC
decision will stifle competition.
hapi4u2: Saying Hello 2 U from Cincinnati, Ohio Thanks for all the
funky Music in the past and what ever you do in the future....Always
keep your Head Up...Thanks for chatting with us. What are your plans
for the future? (musically) Much Luv -----:-)what is your advice for
those that are trying to get started in the music Business?
ERIC LEEDS: Music business? What's that? Just love what you do and
let everything else take it's own course.
PedroCoelho: I only want to express, from my little beautiful
country, Portugal, all the admiration i have 4 u, Eric Leeds!!
Really, u are one of my heroes since 1986 "Parade Tour". Your "touch"
in Prince's music is simply crucial. Thanks and all the best 4 u in
your life.
ERIC LEEDS: Thanks so much. Parade was one of my favorite tours. NO
major production, just music, music, music
Question2003: Hi Eric I love you glad to have you back how does it
feel to play besides Maceo
ERIC LEEDS: Maceo is one of my mentors. I knew him casually when I
was kid and he played with James Brown. My brother was JB's tour
director then, so I grew up with those guys, Fred Wesley, etc.
Question2003: much love to u love you doing Pink Panther
Chrushin: Hello & much respect 2 u, Mr. Eric Leeds! How long did it
take 2 complete the N.E.W.S. with Prince and what can we expect from
the album (the "East" sample in the Vault III sounds very
interesting, I think). Peace & greetings from Europe/ Germany
ERIC LEEDS: The N.E.W.S. took as long as the CD is! P counted it off,
gave us a key and we just played. At the end of it, I packed up my
horns and went home. Now that's my idea of a session.
dori: Hi Eric, first love & respect for your talent. When working
with Prince, what is the one thing that impresses you most in the way
he works? And in your opinion makes working with him such a great
musical experience? Love to you all & thanks for making these chats
ERIC LEEDS: P has a wonderful ability to focus on the business at
hand. And he knows how to set the musicians up to get something
appropriate and more than often special for each occassion. You learn
to tap into his vibe and go for a ride.
Cerebus: Thank you so much for your time. When recording with Prince,
were you aware of what project you were working on as you were
recording (i.e. - did you know you were working on the
time)? At what point did you enter the writing/recording process?
Sorry for the multiple ??'s - but if you have the time, what's your
view on free jazz/improvised music in general (wow! you've done some
with Prince - cool!)? Peace.
ERIC LEEDS: Most sessions with P were not for any particular project
other than just knowing a new album was coming up. Much of course
would go into the vault, only to appear later. My contribution ot
writing/arranging would vary, but most was for live versions, often
of songs that had no horns on the original recorded version.
Chacmool: Eric, I love your style of playing and I am always amazed
by the fluidity of those long runs of notes. I am wondering how much
improvisation is involved in your solos when you are on tour with
Prince (or just in general really). Do you go out there with the
basic form in mind and play what comes to you, or do you have
something planned out, like, "I'll play this run first, then this
stuff, then something else, etc"?
ERIC LEEDS: The genius of Charlie Parker was: learn all you can about
your instrument, the music, then forget about it and just play. I'm
always aware of what the music demands, but I always want the spirit
of the moment to prevail. Which doesn't always happen, but that's my
story and I'm sticking with it!
BellBeautyinside: Thank You for sharing Your talent in music Eric and
thanx for being here with us. I have no questions. Love & Light 2 You
johnjohn: Hello and THANKS 4 being here Eric!! Mine and As I Am's
question is (cuz he is way down the list! hehe!) : During those long
hard working nights at Paisley Park, were there any "SUPERNATURAL"
things that u know about? r there things there that go "FUNK" rather
than "bump " in the night?? hehe. what was it like being there? PEACE
AND LOVE. JJ + ASIAM. (Thanx 2 PP's 2day!)
ERIC LEEDS: All kidding aside, it's basically just my job. And some
days no matter how much you love your job, you don't feel like doing
it. On those nights, I have to dig deeper for something to say.
That's why P is cool, because he can often bring one out of a slump
and back to the groove.
zeo: Hi Eric, Do you have any plans for another album at the
moment?... I love the ones you've done so far... Things Left Unsaid
(particularly the title track) is my personal favorite.
ERIC LEEDS: Always have "plans" for another album, but nothing
specific right now.The opportuinity will hopefully present itself
Dunny: Hi Eric Will u b coming 2 the uk with P in the future? and how
did u enjoy the UK when u played here? u done the business in 88
ERIC LEEDS: Love the UK. Always have big fun in London. Anytime P
asks me to join him in the UK, I'm there.
Dunny: Thanx hope 2 see u soon then
Daylight: Hello Eric, When did you decide you wanted to become a
musician. Do you feel that you have made a difference in the music
industry? Thank you for chatting with us.
ERIC LEEDS: I started playing the horn when I was ten, but I didn't
really decide to make it a career until high school. Don't think I've
done anything to change the music. It's pretty much all been done.
Just am adding my 2 cents worth to the dialogue.
GABRI: Hello Eric! I love to meet you here. I'd like to know how much
were you involved in the composition of the Lovesexy album, which
songs in particular?
ERIC LEEDS: Didn't really have anything to do with the writing of
Lovesexy. P had a pretty defined sense of what he wanted that album
to be. Just glad to help (smile)
paisley1985: Hello ERIC, Can we expect 2 see u work again together
With Prince/Wendy & Lisa? and did u work on DREAM FACTORY cancelled
ERIC LEEDS: Haven't spoken with Wendy/ Lisa lately. They are
wonderful musicians who have a very unique thing of their own. Always
enjoy playing with them. Yeah, I'm on a bunch of the songs that would
have comprised the Dream Factory (but I don't remember too much about
paisley1985: thanx so much & purple peace 2 u!
Sphinxey: Hello Eric! Much respect! My q is: What is the most
important thing (if any) you have learned by working with Prince?
ERIC LEEDS: P gave me the means and the opportunity to act on my own
musical ideas,etc. His studio "chops" taught me a lot.
urs: Mr. Leeds.... it is nice 2 have u here w/ there
anything else u would have liked to do other than work in the music
biz, if so what? by the way, love the way u play....... God alwayz.
Just sittn' here watching Sanford & Son, it's funny too
ERIC LEEDS: Railroad locomtive engineer,\. I love trains (now don't
everyone laugh at once)
potser1972: Hi Eric, your the best (i am just a potsie)!! If you
could only play one song for the rest of your life...which one would
it be?
ERIC LEEDS: One song? That would be a long one! How about just a nice
G 13th chord up a step and back as a vamp !
Jonathan: Hi Eric ! Thanx 4 joining us ! What was ur favourite tour
with Prince so far ? In my opinion, u did a great job during the
Lovesexy tour in '88, but mayB u liked another tour better, & if so,
y ? May u live 2 c the dawn ! (& greetings from Belgium, the country
of Adolphe Sax, I 'm sure u no who that is ;))
ERIC LEEDS: Parade was a favorite. No big production, just music, and
the set seemed to change every night. Plus it was my first as a full
member of the group. Freshman spirit, you know. Loved last year, for
the same reasons. Just Music.
Jonathan: Thanx !
LittleDarlin: Just going to say, hello Eric :) God Bless U! keep
Playing with all your heart. Much LOVE 2 U! Ur Family, and Friends!
Take care.
ERIC LEEDS: Same to you
LittleDarlin: :)
klaatu: Hi from France!!! Eric, any chance we might see you in france
as a solo artist? Also do you use the same sax since your very
beginnings? Much props to you funky Eric!! Times square
Rocks!!!! //38 to you with much peace and love inside!!!
ERIC LEEDS: Would love to work with my own group anywhere ! My main
tenor is the one I've had since the early 70's. It is a 1936 Conn 10M
for all you horn players
klaatu: Thanx Eric!!! U the man!
theblueangel: eric...first of all i'd like to say that you are the
reason that i picked up a sax when i was 11 years old...THANK YOU.
you were and still are a musical role model. your playing speaks to
my heart. thank you for the joy you've given me. my question is: will
you work with atlanta bliss in the future? it took 5 horn players to
replace him ;) i love how you guys sound together...thanks for taking
the time to do this, eric!!
ERIC LEEDS: Thanks for your kind thought. I'll pass that on to
Atlanta. He does not work as a full time musician. But he was a
friend of mine since music school. We had played together for many
years before either one of us had ever heard of P. One of the biggest
kicks was being able to play with him in P's band
JeanYvesMarseille: Hi Eric and welcome here, what are your best
memories on the One Nite Alone Tour?
ERIC LEEDS: Just the opportunity to play great music with great
musicians. The section with Maceo and Greg, and playing once again
with Renato Neto, with whom I played several years ago in Sheila's E
Train group.
enattendantzoe: Hi, how can u define your work on N.E.W.S.? thx and
take care, PEACE
ERIC LEEDS: Just responding to the moment is about all I can say. P
set up some great environments.
glamslam88: Hi, Eric! I'm from Tokyo, Japan. We didn't see you in
Tokyo last year during the ONA tour. We missed you very much. Do you
have any plans on doing concerts in Japan? And what's your favorite
Japanese food?
ERIC LEEDS: Nothing specific planned,unless P does ??? Favorite
Japanese food: Kobe beef (sorry P)
Redbone: Hi Eric, Did you come up with the horn arrangement thats
on "Rockhard In A Funky Place"? Peace!
ERIC LEEDS: Yes, Rockhard is mine. It's actually part of a
composition of mine I played with my own group years ago called
gooner: Hi monsieur leeds, Prince's favourite food is stewardesses,
whats yours?
ERIC LEEDS: Sounds good to me (in a light sauce)
vince: Hiya Eric, woz there a fave trak of yours from the Lovesexy
album? IF u had 2 pick just 1...?
ERIC LEEDS: From Lovesexy it would be "Anna Stesia"
Zwon: Hi Eric, welcome 2 the dawn!! What would be your projects in
the future ?? By the way, nice solo's on the video from the live
DVD !!!! Peace and Be Wild from Holland
ERIC LEEDS: Main project is just to keep practicing my horn, and wait
and see what comes around the bend. I'm not the most ambitious. I
just wait for some good music to play
Zwon: thnx, have a nice evening !!!!
SunMoonStars: Hello Eric, are there any new (jazz) artist you like??
liked you at the ONA tour.. lots of love!!
ERIC LEEDS: Christian McBride (bass) has a wonderful group (also a
good friend. Most of my listening is to older musicians I somehow
Jazminn: Hi Eric, love your playing! I just wondered how you rate
British jazz and are there any british saxophone players you admire?
ERIC LEEDS: Don't really know too much of what's going on recently.
Guys from years ago would include Pete King, John Surman
bern2003: Hi Eric question from When are u coming
to play your music in Holland with guests like Prince that's the
other way around then. lots of love from Holland
ERIC LEEDS: Would love to come to Holland. Can I stay with you ?
(only half kidding)
bern2003: of course and thanks
Elisabeth: Hi, Eric. My question this evening (morning here,
actually...) is on the not-so-profound side: I was very happily
surprised to see you on stage during ONA in Oslo in October, I had no
idea you'd be there and it brought back a lot of great memories of
the "good old days" for me. It was a truly amazing concert for us in
the audience...was it a fun time for you guys also? It sure looked it
from where I was standing. Did you take part in all the European
ERIC LEEDS: Was big fun. No didn't do all the Europe gigs, just a few
vincman: Thanks for being here. What inspires you musically? I wish
you continued success!
ERIC LEEDS: A great jazz player said the groove is what we do, but
the harmony is what we love. Can't say it any better
insatiable: Greetings Eric. I had the pleasure of attending your
workshop @ Paisley last year. Thank you for being so warm, open and
friendly! THANX for playing ADORE for us! That's ALL!
ERIC LEEDS: I adore all of you
Starr: The celebration was such a wonderful experience for so many of
us, how did you feel about it? Thank you for your contribution last
year and your wonderful music.
ERIC LEEDS: I think it gives P a wonderful opportunity to show his
appreciation for the passionate and knowledgeable fans he has. Great
daysofwild: Having graced many with your gift to saxophone, what are
some of your other interests?
ERIC LEEDS: Like I said (no joke). Railroads (real and toy) and
baseball. Boy am I a creature of the sixties or what?
gold: Hi Eric, greetings from Scotland. Has Prince lost his voice?
Xpectation- News?? and who would you rather be stuck in a lift with,
Kenny G or Tony M?
ERIC LEEDS: Hi Gold. No, P still has his voice, sometimes it's a
guitar. And I often walk up the steps instead of taking the elevator.
LittlePill: Hi Eric! Out of all of Prince's band that he's had
throughout the years what was your favorite line up to play with?
ERIC LEEDS: Don't mean to sound evasive but, P's bands are always
cool, because he fits the music to the personality of the assembled
chrislecorre: hi Eric, do you know when the "N.E.W.S." CD will be
released and where (just online for the club or in stores)? Thanks a
lot for all your wonderful music, Peace.
ERIC LEEDS: Think it will be soon. Only on the web I think.
wyldechild: Eric - thanks for coming to the NPGMC to chat with us. My
question - whats the most evil trick that Prince or any1's eva played
on u ?
ERIC LEEDS: Can't really say he's pulled an evil "trick". His evil is
not about tricks (lol)
symbolsm1: Hello Eric, All the questions that are being asked are
really great and your answers are very informative but I want to ask
you" HOW R U DOING?" Myself, I am having a great experience here.
Thank U, Eric. -Quebec/Canada. "Don't cork those bats!"
ERIC LEEDS: I am having big fun. This is the first time I have ever
entered a chat room! I may never leave home again.
MARVINDVS: "Susannah's Pajamas" what can i say man u tore it up and
by the way that song is what started my son to play alto thanks for
the inspiration 'to my son that is " but my question is have u and
matt ever worked on other projects other than P's ? thanks M.D oh
yeah my son what's 2 know if u did the arrangements on The Family
record and if so which tunes. thanks Peace little rock ,ar
ERIC LEEDS: Matt (Blistan) and I played in several bands years before
P. One was a group of mine called Takin' Names. The horn work on The
Family LP was just spontaneous solos, no real arrangements other than
the song "Yes", which I did.
moonbeamlevels: Hi Eric, thank you for all your musical contributions
over the question is this: imagine yourself in a
completely improvisational, funky/jazzy environment, who would be
your dream band? preferably living musicians only
ERIC LEEDS: Jeff "Tain" Watts on drums, maybe Dave Holland on bass,
Keith Jarrett or Zawinul on keys
princess4372: No question....Just thanx 4 sharing ur artistic
talents....Your input on the Prince albums have opened my eyes to
Jazz....I love it! Thanx 4 being here with us! Railroads!!! My son is
also a of course we try to buy and ride them all!
ERIC LEEDS: Thanks for the nice comments
GEMINIEVONLY1: Hi how is it being on stage with da man?
ERIC LEEDS: Always an adventure. I just like kicking back and
listening to him play guitar Often overllooked is the fact he's the
greatest pop guitarist of our time
GEMINIEVONLY1: agreed... thanks for your time
PaisleyPark9: and on that note we r going 2 wrap it up. Thank u very
much, Eric Leeds.
PaisleyPark9: R eternal grattitude 2 u 4 joining us here 2day.
PaisleyPark9: And thank u 2 all the members 4 keeping the chat smooth.
ERIC LEEDS: Thanks to PP9 for his directing traffic. And peace to all
(and to all a good night)
ERIC LEEDS: Gotta go make my bed, take out the trash and rustle me up
some grub. Night folks.
PaisleyPark9: goodnite Eric