Web lotusflow3r.com

Iniciado por PatricioRey, 04 Enero 2009, 16:32:36

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Cita de: luys_prince en 16 Marzo 2009, 16:51:21
bieeeeeeeeeeennn..yo ya hice el pre-order.Pone ke pal 6 d abril sale....AHORA TOCA LA LARGA ESPERA...pero ya ke n podre piyarlo x españa pues....a jo-----
Yo tb he picado. Siempre hay tiempo de arrepentirse de aquí a mediados de Abril.


arrepentirsee¡'?¡??yo siempre he comprado x amazon y ni un problema...m ha llegado todo.Lo unico ke con unos pins d michael jackson me dijeron ke eso no me lo enviaban a españa,supng ke x el peso nose...
...do u want him? or do u want me?


Cita de: luys_prince en 16 Marzo 2009, 17:11:08
arrepentirsee¡'?¡??yo siempre he comprado x amazon y ni un problema...m ha llegado todo.Lo unico ke con unos pins d michael jackson me dijeron ke eso no me lo enviaban a españa,supng ke x el peso nose...
Arrepentirme de comprarme el triple doble de Prince, no de comprar por Amazon, claro


supongo que el precio bajara en las proximas semanas por que 33 libras...


aiiinnnss ...ME HABIAS ASUSTADO jeje...de todas maneras tengo buenas expectativas en este album,aunke MPLSOUND me da miedito lo ke m voya encntrar ahi
...do u want him? or do u want me?


¿33 libras? ¿a cuanto ascienden los gastos de envio?
Yo no pienso gastarme 40 euros en ese pack.  :no:
Ya me compraré los de Prince en ebay de segunda mano.


He visto flyers de clubs de carretera con más clase que la portada de Bria.

Por no hablar de MPLSound, qué horror!!! Parece un CD de canalizaciones de sectas.
London, September 1st, 2007  "God Made Me Funky"


More Info on Prince's New Website Lotusflow3r.com (WITH UPDATE!)

This came from Dr FB: www.drfunkenberry.com



The Site Will Allow Members to Download New Studio Albums LOtUSFLOW3R, MPLSoUND, and
Elixer, a collaboration with his new protégé Bria Valente, as Part of the Annual Membership Fee
Prior to Release in Target Stores


Los Angeles, CA...March 16, 2009 – In an unprecedented effort to manage his own content, Prince is proud to announce the official launch of his new, highly anticipated website LotusFlow3r.com on March 24th, 2009. As soon as the site goes live, fans will have access to new content including digital downloads of his new studio albums LOtUSFLOW3r, MPLSoUND and Elixer, a collaboration with his new protégé Bria Valente; concert tickets; sneak peaks at upcoming events; live concert footage; exclusive imagery from past albums and other exclusive photos for an annual membership fee of $77. Throngs of fans have already signed up on the existing beta version of the website for email updates and are waiting in the wings to become members and experience the world of Prince in a whole new way.

On the evening of March 24th, Prince will be performing at three different locations with three different bands throughout the Los Angeles area. How he plans to do this is still a mystery and even his musicians are not sure of all the details, but Prince fans have come to expect the unexpected. In addition, it was previously announced that Prince will play an unprecedented three nights in a row on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on March 25th, 26th and 27th and will return to help Leno end his reign on the late night show by performing on his next to last show on May 28th.

LotusFlow3r.com is an entire interactive galaxy, conceived by Prince and created by Scott Addison Clay and Anthony Malzone, that takes the Prince fans into three distinctly different worlds emanating the feel of the three new albums in a high-end 3-D style design. Currently, the beta version of the site hosts new tracks "Colonized Mind" from the new LOtUSFLOW3r album, "DiscoJellyfish" from the new MPLSoUND album and "Another Boy" from Elixer with Bria. In addition, the site is slated to release a new music video from each of the three albums on the launch date including "Crimson and Clover" from LOtUSFLOW3r, "Chocolate Box" from MPLSoUND and "Everytime" from Elixer. Prince also plans to give his fans access to tickets to live shows, concert footage from past performances, exclusive imagery from his past albums and other exclusive photos, exclusive information about any private or secret shows, as well as exclusive content that will only be available in the first week of the site launch and may never become available again. Fans who join the site early will also receive a boutique-quality "Founding Member" t-shirt that displays the central image from the galaxy. Over time, Prince will continue to give fans more access to high-end never released photos and video content and much more.

Prince collaborated with Malzone and Clay throughout the design and development of the entire website. In fact, the three often fed off of each other's creative ideas. For instance, Prince wrote the music for the track "DiscoJellyfish," which inspired Malzone, who visualized a design and took to his computer programs to design graphics and artwork to communicate the feel of the song, which then, upon seeing the designs, further inspired Prince to continue to write the song. Everything within this galaxy is a creative portal derived from the brilliant mind of Prince, beautifully executed by Malzone and Clay.

Newsweek.com has exclusively released the new cover art for Bria's Elixer and Prince's MPLSoUND albums: click here for Newsweek story .

Since his debut in 1978, Prince has had numerous hits on the Billboard Charts. In 2004, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and has won six GRAMMY® awards, an Academy Award® and a Golden Globe®. From the moment he stepped onto the music scene, he has captivated fans with his continual reinvention as an artist and remains one of the most celebrated performers of all time. In 2006, Prince won a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 10th Annual Webby Awards. The founder of the awards called Prince "a visionary, who recognized early on that the web would completely change how we experience music."

What do you think of that purple funk?-Dr.FB


Cita de: holyriver en 16 Marzo 2009, 23:25:06
On the evening of March 24th, Prince will be performing at three different locations with three different bands

Do you promise the funk?


Cita de: PatricioRey en 16 Marzo 2009, 23:37:20
Cita de: holyriver en 16 Marzo 2009, 23:25:06
On the evening of March 24th, Prince will be performing at three different locations with three different bands


Hombre, donde yo vivo se puede trazar un circulo de 2km. de radio que mordería 4 ciudades distintas (Barcelona, Badalona, Sta. Coloma y Sant Adrià). Igual en los iuesei pasa algo parecido.


Ya lo sé, Enric, lo q me asombra es lo de "with three different bands"... ¿Desde cuándo Prince tiene 3 bandas? :vulcan:
Do you promise the funk?


Imagina que tu pudieras reunir 3 bases ritmicas de las que han tocado con Prince en los últimos tiempos. ¡Se oyen rumores tan hermosos!


Sospecho que a tus oídos han llegado rumores que no han pasado por los míos ::)
Do you promise the funk?


Cita de: Enric en 17 Marzo 2009, 00:10:12
Imagina que tu pudieras reunir 3 bases ritmicas de las que han tocado con Prince en los últimos tiempos. ¡Se oyen rumores tan hermosos!

¿¿ CC/Josh - John Blackwell/Rhonda S - Michael B/Sonny T ??  :wacky:

¿Muchas cosas exclusivas la primera semana que nunca más estarán disponibles? Qué nervios!!!! Qué estrés!!!! Qué cabronazo!!!  :bomb:
Uh! Uh! uh! uhuh!... U SAID! ...Any dogs in the house?... I know U're nasty... SAID!!!


A ver, puestos a pensar un poco, ... son tres discos los que se van a publicar. Luego se tendrán que presentar de algún modo los tres en directo. Estos representan tres sonidos diferentes, tres instrumentaciones diferentes, luego precisarán tres formaciones de músicos diferentes, tres bandas, aunque también es verdad que todos los temas pueden arreglarse para una misma banda, pero no quedaría tan prometedor, ni serían tan fieles al espíritu de la grabación de estudio. Es sólo una especulación bastante probable digo yo. Lo de las tres localizaciones diferentes, ..., puede ser cada una en un club diferente de la misma ciudad, en salas adyacentes, ...., pero seguro que una después de otra, con tiempo de por medio.


Luego en los shows de Leno supongo que también habrá algo de esto. Noche "Crimson & clover", otra "Chocolate box" y por último "Everytime" de la Valente. Aunque con Prince nunca se sabe.
Uh! Uh! uh! uhuh!... U SAID! ...Any dogs in the house?... I know U're nasty... SAID!!!

Chuck Romerales

     Otro que ha picado con lo de las 33 libras... menos mal que ahora están casi a la par en el cambio con los euros, que si no... ;D
Me subí a la rejaaaa


Esto parece un foro de los Tokio Hotel  >:D y eso es adorable  :angel:


Cita de: goldie en 17 Marzo 2009, 00:56:03
Cita de: Enric en 17 Marzo 2009, 00:10:12
Imagina que tu pudieras reunir 3 bases ritmicas de las que han tocado con Prince en los últimos tiempos. ¡Se oyen rumores tan hermosos!

¿¿ CC/Josh - John Blackwell/Rhonda S - Michael B/Sonny T ??  :wacky:

¿Muchas cosas exclusivas la primera semana que nunca más estarán disponibles? Qué nervios!!!! Qué estrés!!!! Qué cabronazo!!!  :bomb:

O esos músicos mismos pero con una combinación nunca vista: Bland/Rhonda; Blackwell/ Sonny; Cora/Graham; Josh/Sheila E.

Sobre lo del material exclusivo en venta sólo las primeras semanas, que bien parece una estrategia comercial más propia de Carrefur,  cabe decir que también lleva tiempo afirmando que no tocará más sus hits en concierto.


Cita de: Davidubida en 17 Marzo 2009, 01:17:18
[Sobre lo del material exclusivo en venta sólo las primeras semanas, que bien parece una estrategia comercial más propia de Carrefur,  cabe decir que también lleva tiempo afirmando que no tocará más sus hits en concierto.